A "state" is something that saves the selected markers and settings so that they can be recalled later.
Export your markers, states, settings and info, or import new ones, for the current song!
Whey you export markers, you will get a long text string ( a so called JSON string ). This text-string can be saved and imported to another Troff-program with the same song. Then that Troff-program will get the same markers, colors, settings and states as you have.
Or, upload the song, markers and settings to the server and get a link to this song that you can share with your friends:
Please like us on facebook! And take our user survey!
It really helps a lot!
When you press zoom, or 'Z', Troff will zoom to the active playing region, or the purple part of the timeline.
If Troff is zoomed to the active playing region, then it is not possible to zoom in or out. Change the active playing region and you will be able to zoom.
Move all the markers at the same time, or move only those markers between the selected markers (including the selected markers).
Say you have 4 markers; A, B, C and D, in that order.
If you select A as start-marker and C as stop-marker and move them down
by entering 20 seconds and hitting "Move markers down". Only marker
A, B and C will be moved down 20 seconds.
D will remain where it was.
Now, say that the order after you moved the markers is A, B, D, C.
If you immediately move the markers again by 20 seconds by hitting
"Move markers up"; only A, B and C will be moved up,
D will still remain where it was,
even though it was between the start and stop marker.
In order for D to become part of the selected group, the song must
be reloaded.
Note: If this functionality does not work as expected; reload the song.
Delete all the markers at the same time, or delete only those markers between the selected markers (including the selected markers).
Stretch all the markers so that the distance between them increases or decreases!
Say you have 5 markers A, B, C, D and E at 5, 10, 20, 50 and 150 seconds respectively,
if you stretch all the markers to 200%, then the markers times will
be increased to 200%, and they will be at
10, 20, 40, 100 and 300 seconds respectively.
If you want to compress the markers, simply use a value lower than 100%.
If you instead select markers B and D and stretch the selected markers to 200%,
then the selected markers will be stretched as if there 0-value where at the B marker;
the marker B will still be at 10 seconds,
the marker C will be at 30 seconds,
the marker D will be at 90 seconds.
and the other markers will be unaffected.
Note: If this functionality does not work as expected; reload the song.
Create a songlist with songs in it.
You can drag and drop new songs on to this songlist from the songs-table.
Songlist name:
You seem to already have the song .
Do you want to update that song with the new markers or merge them or abort?
By uploading this content you verify that:
Note: Your song will be visible for others to find.
If you do not want to have your song and your markers public,
please contact slimsimapps@gmail.com before you upload.
We will let you know when it is done.
If you want to use Troff while you wait for the download,
open it in another tab or window:
Upload is 0% done!
Feel free to check out the help-page while you wait:
This pop-up will close when the song is uploaded.
can be found at
Share the link with your friends, and they will get the song or movie along with the markers, settings and song info!
The url of this song will also be shown in the address bar.
If you continue to edit the markers, states or song info, the changes will not be uploaded to the server, and the url in the address bar will be reset. If you want to share the updated info, you can upload the song again!
If you want to find other versions of the markers, visit troff.app/find.html
The song , with all its markers, is being downloaded.
The markers for the song are being downloaded.
Download is 0% done!
If you want to use Troff while you wait for the download, open it in another tab or window: troff.app
Feel free to check out the help-page while you wait:
This pop-up will close when the song is ready.
Do you want to add the songs
With shared songlist, any changes you make to a song will be uploaded and shared to all the members of the songlist. Therefore, you have to sign in to share songlists.
Read more at Share songlists
These settings are not unique to a song
When loading a new song, these values will be the ones that the song get.
Share a link to your songs with your friends, and they will get all your markers, states and song info!
and lots more!